

What is reflexology

Reflexology has been shown to date back to Ancient Egypt, India and also in China. This therapy was not introduced to the West until Dr William Fitzgerald developed 'Zone therapy'. He believed that reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body within the same zone.

Reflexology is super relaxing non-intrusive therapy which works on the different points on the feet and lower legs. The aim of reflexology is to work holistically with the body to promote better a sense of health within each individual.

Reflexology can be received at any age and is a very individual treatment which is tailored to you as a whole person, taking into account physical and non-physical aspects which could affecting your overall health and wellbeing. The overall aim is to help the body to restore its healthy balance naturally.

At ProHealth Therapy, we feel life can be too busy sometimes and it is very important to let go of stress. Many people find reflexology is one those treatments which can help you to mitigate the stresses of modern life.

What happens when I have my treatment

A full medical history will be requested on your first treatment. You will remove your socks and shoes and the therapist will then use their hands to apply pressure to the feet, lower leg. You may feel areas are more sensitive than others but generally the experience is a lovely relaxing treatment  

After your treatment, most people note a sense of well-being and relaxation; however, sometimes people can feel slightly sleepy, you may feel like going home and snuggling up and having an early night- many people report back to us how well they sleep after their treatment.